Patient specific knee arthroplasty PSI

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Eνδαρθρικές ενέσεις υαλουρονικού οξέος

Eπιφέρουν ανακούφιση των συμπτωμάτων της αρθρίτιδας σε μεγάλο ποσοστό ασθενών και δεν ανήκουν στην κατηγορία των αντιφλεγμονωδών ή των κορτικοστεροειδών φαρμάκων. Το φάρμακο αποτελεί ένα φυσιολογικό παράγωγο της άρθρωσης και έχει ισχυρές λιπαντικές ιδιότητες που βοηθούν στη βελτίωση της κινητικότητας του ασθενούς. Οι εγχύσεις γίνονται μία φορά την εβδομάδα για πέντε εβδομάδες, δύο φορές τον χρόνο. Θεωρείται επίσης ότι υποβοηθούν στην αύξηση της παραγωγής του υαλουρονικού οξέος από την ίδια την άρθρωση. Το θεραπευτικό αποτέλεσμα των ενδαρθρικών ενέσεων μπορεί να διαρκέσει για πολλούς μήνες.

Η ενδαρθρική έγχυση αυτόλογου πλάσματος αποτελεί τη πιο μοντέρνα και υποσχόμενη μέθοδο για την αντιμετώπιση των πρόωρων μορφών οστεοαρθρίτιδας αλλά και την ανακούφιση των συμπτωμάτων στις προχωρημένες μορφές.
Τα αυτόλογα προϊόντα του αίματος προσέλκυσαν το ενδιαφέρον των ερευνητών για τη θεραπεία πολλών νοσολογικών οντοτήτων στην Ορθοπαιδική.  Η επουλωτική  ικανότητα του πλάσματος οφείλετε στους αυξητικούς παράγοντες που απελευθερώνονται από τα αιμοπετάλια.
Τα πρώτα κλινικά αποτελέσματα είναι εξαιρετικά ενθαρρυντικά.

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One of the most important developments in the history of orthopedics is the total replacement of the knee joint with special materials. The first surgery was in 1968 and until today the improvement of surgical techniques and materials are constantly upgrading its effectiveness.

Today with the help of electronic technology and surgical expertise, the intervention of total knee arthroplasty changes page. The new era of application to the patient individualized implant arthroplasty, gives the absolute harmonization of the materials to the specific anatomy of each human individual in need of replacement of the knee joint. 

It can be applied to patients suffering from arthritis, which is significantly affecting the joint (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, advanced traumatic arthritis etc). The personalized knee arthroplasty - Patient Specific Instrument PSI-, differs from the conventional method in that the implants will be placed in femur and tibia (knee), manufactured according to the anatomical peculiarities of the individual taking into consideration the specific slopes and turns having extended lower limb.

To achieve this requires a process of study and creation of the implant by a qualified group of people starting from the specific Orthopaedic, their biomechanical scientists and finally special development centers and creation of implants in Belgium.  See more for PSI

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After clinical examination and study the radiographs by the skilled Orthopaedic, the patient makes CT three-point (knee, hip and ankle).

Then the tests are sent to a special center in Switzerland and qualified team of scientists with the help of cutting-edge electronic technology and in cooperation with the Orthopaedic Surgeon create the knee implants arthroplasty which can be applied in this patient only. The process takes four weeks. The implant is sent to the physician who will alert the patient to perform the surgery.

Varus deformity 8.5 degree of the left knee (Mechanical knee axis)
3D reconstruction of the patients knee - face, (severe osteoarthritis)
3D reconstruction of the patients knee - face, (severe osteoarthritis) - back
3D reconstruction of the patients knee - face, (severe osteoarthritis) - profile
3D electronical patients knee model.  Pre-operative planing and processing
The PSI knee atrhroplasty was electronically implanted (accurate)
Patient specific materials
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The absolute measurement of the mechanical axis of the limb to CT and study of the peculiarities of the knee joint of each individual, as well as diversification of the knee according to gender (male or female knee), events that help build the ideal implant creating the conditions for the replacement to last longer.

  • A smaller incision, shorter operative time, less tissue trauma during surgery because of the special tools supplied with the implant.
  • Less blood loss which minimizes the need for postoperative transfusion.
  • Less postoperative pain.
  • Less time spent in hospital.
  • The full application of the implants in the patient's knee offers excellent mobility, faster recovery and a faster return to professional and daily obligations.

The study made in each joint separately before surgery is a step forward as compare to the surgical electronic navigation (navigator assisted surgery), or robotic assistance because the two previous methods carry out measurements of the knee during the surgery, which increasing the surgical time, but without can evaluate the lower limb as open plan anatomical unit to correct the mechanical axis of the lower limb as is the personalized knee arthroplasty (PSI).
Modern technology combined with years of surgical experience and expertise to manage today opened a new era in understanding the replacement of affected joints with only aim to approach perfection.

Article in magazine BHMADONA, newspaper 'ΒΗΜΑ της ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗΣ' - VIMA
Interview in GLOW magazine: Patient Specific Knee Arthroplasty PSI
50 plus magazine (Greek edition)
Interview is newspaper "TIPOS THESSALONIKIS":  Patient Specific knee arthroplasty.